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This wiki has been setup to distribute, maintain, debug and version track iCosmo. iCosmo is a general purpose interactive Cosmology calculations package that allows you to easily calculate a wide range of cosmological functions from distances and dark matter powerspectra to observable correlation functions and dark energy Fisher matrix prediction.
Code Verification
- The lensing sections of the iCosmo package have been extensively tested against a number of independent codes. These include codes written by: (i) Sarah Bridle, (ii) Tom Kitching, (iii) Filipe Abdalla, Jiayu Tang and Shaun Thomas and (iv) Peter Schneider, Martin Kilbinger, Jan Hartlap and Benjamin Joachimi.
- The BAO sections of the iCosmo package have been extensively tested against a code written by i) Anais Rassat, ii) Martin Kunz and iii) Francisco Castandar
If you use this code in any publications please cite Refregier, Amara, Kitching, Rassat (2011).
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